My name is Chris Parks and I cannot tell you how excited I get helping my friends reach their Health and Wellness goals. I am a believer in lifelong learning; earning both my Doctorate in Leadership (Northeastern University) and my Primal Health Coach Certification (Primal Health Coach Institute) in my 50’s.  

I am now closer to 60 than I am to 50 but I feel better, look better, move better and am much healthier today than I was when I was 40 (or even earlier).


  • Doctorate in Education (EdD), Northeastern University: I love to learn and to teach, and my doctoral work gave me my research chops as well as best practices for continued learning and sharing that knowledge.
  • Certified Primal Health Coach (CPHC), Primal Health Coach Institute: I love and try to live how we evolved as a species and how our genes expect us to live.
  • Certified Personal Trainer (CPT), ISSA: I can set up and implement a strength and conditioning program for anyone who wants to feel better, move better, and look better.
  • Certified Nutritionist, ISSA & Precision Nutrition: Most Health Professionals and researchers estimate that between 80%-95%  of your body composition and health is achieved through the foods we choose to eat.  Diets that involve any type of deprivation are doomed to failure.  We can find great food that gives you the energy you need to achieve your Health & Wellness goals.
  • Specialist in Senior Fitness (SSF), ISSA: This certification allowed me to gain knowledge and learn best practices for training those over the age of 60.  We can slow down, hold off, or even reverse many symptoms of “normal” aging.
  • Chris offers one on one wellness coaching to help any friends who need a guide to help them navigate through all of the conflicting noise surrounding how to regain or maintain health and vitality.
  • Chris works with people online from coast to coast.
  • Chris is also available for in-person sessions in the Philadelphia and New York City areas.
  • Chris is also available to travel to corporations and businesses for his 21-Day Primal Wellness Program for those with small to large teams.

Early Years

I have always been active and thought that I was eating healthy. I exercised the way I was taught and I ate the way that everyone told me was the healthy way. 

Yet, every year I gained more weight and every year I actually felt older. I was beginning to accept the conventional wisdom that every year as I get older, I will show it and feel it. 

In my early 40s I continued gaining weight eventually topping the scales at 204 pounds, (I weighed in the 160’s throughout my 20’s).

During this time, I was placed on blood pressure medication and was told that I would be put on statins probably within a year. I could not move well, and I was always bloated. 

During my 40’s I was I was diagnosed with all of the following:

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
  • Crohns Disease 
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS)
  • Dermatitis Herpetiformis
  • Gout


Not one doctor every mentioned diet to me.


At the age of 43, in the worst shape of my life, my wife gave birth to our daughter. This was my life changer. How can I take care of another human if I cannot take care of myself? Although I read some articles and news stories about health and nutrition, wanting to ensure that my baby girl was healthy lit a fire in me. 

I began to read as much as I could. I began subscribing to email lists and later listening to podcasts and then books.

I made a promise to my infant daughter that I would not only be around for all of her milestones (recitals, performances, graduations, marriage, grandchildren, etc), but I would be in great shape so that I would enjoy all of her milestones and will be able to walk her down the aisle one day instead of her rolling me down the aisle in a wheelchair at her wedding. 


As I turned 50, I was in better shape than I had been in a very long time. Many friends and colleagues began asking me about what I did to “get in shape.” I loved having healthy arguments with friends regarding the many nutritional myths that most still believe. 

And when stumped by a question that I do not know, I love researching the answer and providing it to whomever has asked. I was already helping many people without being an officially trained Wellness Coach. 

I have been a life time teacher. I spent most of my teaching career in higher education at Boston University and Stony Brook University. I was very fortunate that I ran very large programs and spent a great deal of time with hundreds of students every day.

Primal Health

I was drawn to the Primal Health because no other lifestyle has 2 million years of proof that it works. It is not a workout, it is not a diet, it is a way of living! 

Primal Living has allowed me to live in a much healthier way and enjoy my family and life to a much greater degree.

Now in my mid 50s, I am back to my mid-twenties weight (in the 160s). 

I exercise much less than I ever have, (I move a lot, through walking, and I do hit it hard 1-2 week) but the days of hitting the gym every day and abusing my body and injuring myself are long gone.  And I eat delicious food, lots and lots of delicious food. 

We evolved over millions of years.  Our genes want us to be lean and strong; adopting a Primal Lifestyle allows our genes to express themselves in that way.

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